POSLANICA britanske konzervativne partije, ujedno i članica Britanskog parlamenta Ališa Kerns u autorskom tekstu za ugledni Tajms govorila je o aktuelnoj političkoj situaciji u BiH te je pozvala zvaničnike Velike Britanije da odmah deluju.
Mrs. Kearns, In these few paragraphs, you have told so many untruths and banalizations of the situation in Bosnia, so I deeply doubt your good intentions. By blaming one side for all the problems, you have already lined up on the wrong side, and said who you are. The British are not welcome in many countries in the world, and their interference in the hundreds of years long conflict between Bosnians would be really disastrous not only for this country but for the entire Balkans. Please, keep your bloody hands away from the Balkans.
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